每一颗种子都有潜力长成参天大树。 每只鹰都有梦has以求的天空。 每匹马都有奔跑的希望。 坚持与放弃之间的差异将导致完全不同的未来。 即使当前的市场竞争激烈,我们仍然坚持公司的通风,并继续增强自身的竞争力。 十年来,心脏依然存在。 我们一直有逆流的势头。
Every seed has the potential to grow into a giant tree. Every Eagle has the sky to dream of. Every horse has the hope of running. The difference between persistence and abandonment will lead to a totally different future. Even though the current environmental competition is fierce, we still adhere to the company's ventilation, and continue to enhance their competitiveness. For ten years, the heart still exists. We have always had the momentum of countercurrent.
在烟尘污染修复活动中,餐饮企业要特别注意使用油烟净化器,请仔细选择并仔细购买。 但是,不要忘记不锈钢排气罩的优点。 它们可以一起使厨房通风和抽烟。 让厨房更加大气。 此外,该产品的尺寸可以根据客户餐厅厨房的实际尺寸进行定制。 灶台的面积,燃烧器的数量和风扇的尺寸以多方面的方式设计,以实现所需的效果和美观。 该产品的优点:
In smoke and dust pollution remediation activities, catering enterprises should pay special attention to the use of lampblack purifiers, please carefully select and carefully purchase. But don't forget the advantages of stainless steel exhaust hood. Together they can ventilate the kitchen and smoke. Make the kitchen more atmosphere. In addition, the size of the product can be customized according to the actual size of the customer's dining room kitchen. The area of the stove, the number of burners and the size of the fan are designed in many ways to achieve the desired effect and beauty. Advantages of this product:

Full-featured: Products include fans, purifiers, silencers, engine covers.
No space: no equipment outdoors, no smoke pipe outdoors.
Jinan Stainless Steel Fume Pumping Machine
Wide range of applications: different specifications can be used in any combination.
Low noise and silence: The equipment is installed indoors and outdoors without noise pollution.
Source Purification: Air pipes are clean and do not need to be cleaned.
Investment savings: It's easy to save hood, air duct and ventilation system.