



来源:http://www.jnqsg.com/     发布时间:2024-07-13  


  As the name suggests, a ventilation system is designed to ensure good air circulation in a room, allowing people to work and live efficiently in an oxygen rich environment and avoiding suffocation.


  Ventilation ducts are generally made of materials such as steel plates, galvanized steel plates, fiberglass, etc. The ducts themselves will not have any problems. However, flanges are required to connect each section of the pipeline, as improper installation can lead to water seepage, resulting in slippery floors, dripping water from the top of the head, peeling of wall decoration materials, and many cases of mold and deformation. Due to process and installation issues, the ventilation and smoke exhaust effect of commercial projects is poor, which not only affects project quality but also affects the effectiveness of use, and will require a lot of cost to repair.微信图片_20200927091850


  Below is a brief introduction to the two commonly used materials, processes, and installation of angle steel flange galvanized steel sheet air ducts used in a commercial project in Chengdu.


  1、 Specification requirements for ventilation ducts:


  Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering GB50243-2002


  Technical Specification for Ventilation Ducts JGJ141-2004


  2、 Requirements for the production of air ducts:


  1. Before making air ducts, the first thing to check is whether the materials used meet the quality requirements and whether there is a factory certificate of conformity or quality appraisal document. If there are no such supporting documents, a visual inspection should be conducted and the following requirements should be met:

  1.1 板材表面应平整,厚度应均匀,无凸凹及明显的压伤现象,并不得有裂纹、砂眼、结疤及刺边和锈蚀情况;

  1.1 The surface of the board should be flat, the thickness should be uniform, there should be no protrusions or obvious pressure damage, and there should be no cracks, sand holes, scars, sharp edges, or rust;

  1.2 型钢应该等型、均匀,不应有裂纹、气泡、窝穴及其他影响质量的缺陷;

  1.2 Section steel should be of equal shape and uniform, without cracks, bubbles, cavities, or other defects that affect quality;

  1.3 其他材料不能因具有缺陷导致成品强度的降低或影响其使用效能。

  1.3 Other materials shall not have defects that result in a decrease in the strength of the finished product or affect its usability.


  2. The surface of the air duct and accessories should be smooth, the arc should be uniform, and the longitudinal joints should be staggered; The bite joint should be tight and of uniform width. The weld seam should undergo visual inspection and should not have defects such as pores, sand holes, slag inclusions, cracks, etc. The deformation of the steel plate after welding should be corrected.


  3. The distance between the bolt and rivet holes of the flange of the medium and low pressure system air duct shall not exceed 150mm.


  4. When the side length of a rectangular air duct is greater than 630mm, the side length of an insulated air duct is greater than 800mm, the length of a pipe section is greater than 1250mm, or the single-sided flat area of a low-pressure air duct is greater than 1.2m2, reinforcement measures should be taken.


  5. The allowable deviation for the outer diameter or outer length of the air duct is 2mm when it is less than or equal to 300mm; When it is greater than 300mm, it is 3mm. The allowable deviation for the flatness of the pipe mouth is 2mm, and the difference in length between the two diagonal lines of a rectangular air duct should not exceed 3mm; The difference between any two orthogonal diameters of a circular flange should not exceed 2mm.


  6. The production of metal flange connected air ducts should also comply with the following regulations:


  The welding of the air duct flange should be well fused and full, without false welding or holes; The allowable deviation for flange flatness is 2mm, and the screw hole arrangement of flanges of the same specifications processed in the same batch should be consistent and interchangeable. When the air duct and flange are connected by riveting, the riveting should be firm and there should be no detachment or leakage of riveting; The flange should be flat and tightly attached to the flange, with a consistent width of no less than 6mm; There should be no cracks or holes at the seams and corners.


  3、 Installation requirements for air ducts


  1. Before installing the air duct, internal and external debris should be removed, and cleaning and protection work should be done well;


  2. The installation position, elevation, and direction of the air duct should meet the design requirements. The configuration of on-site air duct interfaces shall not reduce their effective cross-section.


  3. The bolts connecting the flanges should be tightened evenly, and their nuts should be on the same side.


  4. The connection of the air duct interface should be tight and firm. The gasket material of the air duct flange should meet the requirements of the system function, and the thickness should not be less than 3mm. The gasket should not protrude into the pipe, nor should it protrude outside the flange.


  5. The length of flexible metal or non-metal air ducts should not exceed 2 meters and should not have dead bends or dents.


  6. The connection interface between the air duct and the brick or concrete air duct should be inserted in the direction of the airflow and sealed. Rainproof devices should be installed at the point where the air duct passes through the roof.


  7. The contact between the stainless steel plate air duct and the bracket should have isolation or anti-corrosion insulation measures.


  8. When air ducts pass through fire-resistant or explosion-proof walls or floors that require sealing, pre embedded pipes or protective sleeves should be installed, with a steel plate thickness of not less than 1.6mm; The gap between the air duct and the protective sleeve should be sealed with non combustible and non hazardous flexible materials.


  9. It is strictly prohibited for other pipelines to pass through the air duct.


  10. The installation of the inclined insertion plate air valve requires the valve plate to be pulled upwards for opening; When installed horizontally, the valve plate should also be inserted in the direction of the airflow.


  11. The installation direction and position of fire dampers and smoke exhaust dampers should be correct. The fire dampers on both sides of the fire partition wall should not be more than 200mm away from the wall surface.

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